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3720 Walnut St
Boulder, CO, 80301
United States


Rocky Mountain Rescue Group, Inc. (RMRG) is an all-volunteer organization trained and equipped for search and rescue on mountainous terrain in all weather conditions. Founded in 1947, we are Boulder County's primary mountain rescue agency, but upon request also assist other mountain rescue teams outside the county. We also provide outdoor recreation safety education and disaster response services. RMRG is a non-profit IRS 501(c)3 organization and we do not charge for our services.


What's New

Our latest missions, lessons learned, safety education, fundraising and provide a searchable record of selected past missions from which we hope you learn what you need to never need our assistance in the field. 


Rescue of injured hiker in Chautauqua area

Kayleen Glaser

Evacuation of an injured hiker from the Chautauqua area this evening, 2015 call # 161. Arriving darkness and the tendency towards fatigue at the end of an outing increase the risk of a mis-step. Be careful out there.

Apologies for impaired photo quality, but a phone image is better than nothing?

"Call if you can, text if you must"

Kayleen Glaser

Exciting news!  Boulder County Dispatch is now equipped to receive 911 requests via text message for those without enough reception to call. 

"Text-to-9-1-1 service is only recommended if it is the only option and making a voice call to 9-1-1 is not possible. Remember to Call If You Can, Text If You Must."  See the link below for more information.  

RMRG helps make a movie!

Kayleen Glaser

We assisted in making a movie:  The Grand Rescue.  Members of RMRG traveled to Jackson, Wyoming in 2011 to assist Swirl Productions in the filming of a documentary about the 1967 rescue of a severely injured climber off of the North Face of the Grand Teton.  

Interested in joining RMRG?

Kayleen Glaser

RMR is entering its Fall recruitment period. We have open spaces and are looking for volunteers for field members. Volunteering for RMR is a lot of work, but is uniquely rewarding.

Our next Wednesday night meeting is on September 2, 2015 in Humanities 250 on CU Campus.

If you're interested in the Search and Rescue volunteer lifestyle, please contact